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Narrowing types with asserts


Author's Note: Sorry for being gone for so long! Ramping on AI is a lot of learning, and most of the stuff I've learned hasn't met my bar for originality 'cause, y'know, ramping. I may start writing on things that may be out there already but I feel like there's either a new way to explain it or a new nuance that I've learned. These posts will probably be shorter. Let me know what you think!


I've been learning Python for a while now, and I've noticed that the language has a lot of features that are very similar to TypeScript. One of the features that I've found particularly useful is the ability to narrow types using asserts.

You usually have this seen in typescript with code like this:

let x: string | number | undefined = nondeterministic_function()

if (typeof x === 'string') {
  // x is now known to the typechecker to be a string

In Python, you can do something similar with the isinstance function:

x = nondeterministic_function()

if isinstance(x, str):
    # x is now known to the typechecker to be a string

Notably, this also works with asserts in Python, probably most used in Optional types:

x: Optional[str] = nondeterministic_function()

assert x is not None
# x is now known to the typechecker to be a string

In compiled languages, such as Swift, you usually can't do this. Oh, sure, you can do a cast with a new binding for the name

let x: String? = nondeterministic_function()
if let x {
    // x is now known to the typechecker to be a string

Which, on its own, certainly looks like it's doing the same thing, but this is just syntactic sugar around the following:

let x: String? = nondeterministic_function()
if case .some(let inner_scope_x) = x {
    // inner_scope_x is now known to the typechecker to be a string

This is really just a new variable binding / reassingment, not a fundamental dynamic narrowing by the typechecker.

Bonus tech talk

This can be done in interpreted languages because they don't have ahead-of-time fixed types. Everything is dynamic, so suppose you have the following:

x = exec("<some python>")

if isinstance(x, str):
    length = len(x)

gets compiled to

# ...
4           36 PUSH_NULL
            38 LOAD_NAME                4 (len)
            40 LOAD_NAME                1 (x)
            42 CALL                     1
            50 STORE_NAME               5 (length)
            52 RETURN_CONST             1 (None)
# ...

whereas this (compiled) Swift:

let x: String? = nondeterministic_function()

if let x {
    length = len(x)

has the SIL of the follwing1

// ...
bb1(%5 : $String):                                // Preds: bb0
  debug_value %5 : $String, let, name "unwrapped", loc "/app/example.swift":4:12, scope 6 // id: %6
  %7 = function_ref @$sSS5countSivg : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed String) -> Int, loc "/app/example.swift":5:26, scope 7 // user: %8
  %8 = apply %7(%5) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed String) -> Int, loc "/app/example.swift":5:26, scope 7 // user: %10
  release_value %2 : $Optional<String>, loc * "<compiler-generated>":0:0, scope 2 // id: %9
  br bb3(%8 : $Int), loc "/app/example.swift":5:9, scope 7 // id: %10
// ...

The method call in the python bytecode is purely virtual and always is: there's only a call to an abstract name, whose concrete form is determined by the python interpreter.

In the Swift SIL, which later gets compiled to machine code, there's a direct method call to the appropriate implementation, which implicitly has a dependency on the shape: that's what the String in @guaranteed String means.2


  1. Prism doesn't have syntax highlighting for SIL. Sad! We'll just use LLVM IR highlighting instead.

  2. The @guaranteed refers to lifetime, not on the status of an optional value! For more on what the @guaranteed means, check out the (imo) veryfun to read SIL docs on the matter.